Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Layanan Persuratan Berbasis Website
Aplikasi, Laravel, Layanan Surat, WebsiteAbstract
Informatics Study Program is a study program under the auspices of the Faculty of Computer Engineering, Cokroaminoto University Palopo, Mail service still uses conventional methods, namely by using Microsoft Office and students come to the study program room to submit the required letter. There is no application that helps manage letters submitted by students. The purpose of this research is to design and build a website-based correspondence service application that can help the effectiveness of mail services in study programs. This designed system can serve online letter requests including: thesis exam approval certificate, certificate of having submitted a thesis, certificate of good behavior, certificate of never getting academic sanctions, leave application letter, and observation permission letter. This system was built using the Laravel framework, the development method used is the Four D method and testing the system with a Black Box approach. the final result of the system implementation test is that all components in the system can function properly and are suitable for use.