Author Guidelines
Journal Editor Policy
MEKONGGA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is a forum for academics, government, private companies and social institutions to communicate community empowerment activities. It is hoped that each published article can provide new insights and inspire activities elsewhere regarding related issues.
General requirement
1. Articles typed in Microsoft words ranging from 3000-4000 words (minimum of 6 pages, including bibliography, notes, and tables)
2. Must attach a declaration that the article has not been published before, wherever and in any form.
3. Articles are presented with the following components:
Title: a maximum of 12 words for Indonesian language articles and 10 words for the English language article. Titles are typed in Times New Roman letters, 12 bold prints.
Author name: or writers typed under the heading with Times New Roman fonts 11 bold, no titles and should not be abbreviated. Below the name of the author's name and email address.
Abstract: no more than 200 words, written in English or Indonesian, in a paragraph containing: research objectives, research methods, analytical techniques and research results. Typed with Times New Roman font, size 11, single space, italics for English.
Keyword: maximum 5 keywords, separated by commas, typed double space under abstract. [Font Times New Roman 11, single space in italics]
Introduction: The introduction is typed in capital letters [Times New Roman font 12 bold, center, black background]. Contains background on service activities, partner problems, solutions offered to overcome partner problems and forms of service activities [font Times New Roman, 11, normal].
Activity Methods: Activity Method is typed in capital letters [Times New Roman font 12 bold, center, black background]. The service activity method explains: the scope and object of the activity, the place of implementation of the activity, the form and stages of the activity, the stages of the activity [font Times New Roman, 11, Normal].
Result and Discussion: Results and Discussion are typed in capital letters [Times New Roman font 12 bold, center, black background]. The results describe the implementation of all stages of service activities. Can be equipped with photos of the process and results of service activities. The discussion contains the impact of service activities on service partners and the analysis is strengthened by theory and data that supports and strengthens the results of service. [Times New Roman font, 11,
Conclusion & Suggestions: Conclusions & Suggestions are typed in capital letters [Times New Roman font 12 bold, center, black background]. The conclusion contains a brief summary of the results of service activities as a form of solution to the problems faced by partners. The results of the service should also provide suggestions/contributions/implications for the application and/or development of knowledge. [Times New Roman, 11, normal].
Reference List: References are written using the IEEE system format. It is recommended to use software applications to manage references and bibliographies, (eg: Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks) or paid applications (eg: Endnote, Reference Manager) to maintain consistency between Citations and Bibliography. Bibliography citations must be in the Bibliography List and the Bibliography must contain citations in the manuscript. The bibliography only contains references that are actually cited in the manuscript [3].
The following is an example of writing a bibliography:
[1] J. Y. Sari and S. Bantun, "Contactless Biometric Based on Palm Vein Recognition Using Wavelet and Local Line Binary Patterns," J. RESTI (Information Systems Engineering and Technology), vol. 7, no. 6, pp. 1300–1308, 2023.
[2] S. Nengsi, R. Adawiyah, S. Bantun, and J. Y. Sari, "Information System for Medical Records Services at the Budi Medika Regional Mother and Child Hospital, Kolaka Regency," in Proceedings of the National Seminar on the Use of Information Science and Technology, 2023, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 377–382.
[3] J. Barrat, Our final invention: Artificial intelligence and the end of the human era. Hachette UK, 2023.
MEKONGGA: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat is Not Accredited yet and still in the process of improving management towards accredited National Journal.